Olympic Series | SERAPOOL Porselen
6 History of Olympic Pools It’s a sport where those who have talent are good, but those who practice are great... The history of swimming, which has many benefits for body health, is almost as old as human history. It is one of the most important proofs that many types of swimming were known and practiced in Ancient Egypt, Sumer and the Hittites, and that man’s acquaintance with swimming dates back to ancient times. In ancient Roman and Greek civilizations, swimming was applied as a part of basic education along with military training, while the Romans had swimming pools built separately from the baths. In Japan, the fact that the kingdom made swimming education compulsory in schools shows that people have been interested in swimming since the earliest times and formed a culture related to swimming. The construction of the first open-air pool in Liverpool in 1828 is an important part of swimming. It went down in history as a step. The first international competitions were held in London in 1837 and then in Australia in 1846. Swimming races were also included in the first Olympics organized with the resumption of the modern Olympic games in 1896. The backstroke style was added to the Olympics in 1900 and the breaststroke style in 1908. With its prevalence as an organized sport all over the world and its inclusion in the Olympic program, the necessity of establishing an international federation for this sport has emerged. Thus, the International Amateur Swimming Federation FINA (Federation Internationale de Natation Amateur) was established in London in 1909. Styles and water sports in international competitions have changed over the years and took their current form. The FINA regulations, which took their final form to be implemented for the years 2021-2025, are still valid. Gölbaşı Jandarma Subay Okulları / Gölbaşı Gendarmerie Officer Schools Ankara
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